Terence Sathyanarayan

Achieving goals implementing a OKR system - The Superpowers
Achieving goals implementing a OKR system - The Superpowers
The most successful people in the world have one thing in common: they all know how to set and achieve...
How decisions based on data can benefit your business - 3 best practices
How decisions based on data can benefit your business - 3 best practices
It is no secret that for your business to be prosperous, you need to make data-driven decisions. In today’s...
Points to Ponder when looking at Business process automation
Points to Ponder when looking at Business process automation
Frankly, it’s no surprise that the business process is the lifeblood of any company and automation...
What Digitalization Means to a business as a Whole
What Digitalization Means to a business as a Whole
It’s said that the best way to predict the future is to create it. So, what is the future going...
Designing the Perfect Value Proposition - 4 Steps to follow
Designing the Perfect Value Proposition - 4 Steps to follow
Understanding a customer’s requirements and delivering to them is the foundation of any business...
Business Model Innovation In The Digital Age - X building blocks
Business Model Innovation In The Digital Age - 9 building blocks
Business model innovation – Behind every successful enterprise is a staunch business model. 9 ways...
Cryptocurrency Scams
Why There Are So Many Cryptocurrency Scams and How to Avoid Them
Since Bitcoin has become mainstream, more and more people have come to realize that there is a lot of...
Innovation contributed to Digital Transformation
How has Innovation contributed to Digital Transformation
Apart from the human factor at work, there have been companies throughout history that have steadfastly...
marketing strategy
The Future Of Digital Marketing – Reaching Customers
Why Is A Digital Marketing Strategy Important For A Business? If you’re not working on integrating...
Business ERP
Digital Transformation: The Future Of Business (ERP) – Internal Customers
ERP is a typical business application that is integrated into a wide range of business processes, such...