When your business gets digital transformation wrong

Terence Sathyanarayan

November 8, 2022

All, Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has become a buzzword in recent years. But does it really mean anything? What exactly is digital transformation? And why should businesses care? 

Digital transformation refers to the change from analog to digital technologies. This means that companies must adapt their processes and systems to take advantage of new opportunities offered by digital technology. 

Digital transformation is no longer a trend or a fad. It’s now a necessity for every company. If you don’t embrace digital transformation, you risk being left behind by your competitors. 

The Digital Transformation Journey
Digital transformation is a journey. There’s no single moment when a company decides to transform itself into a digital enterprise. Rather, it happens gradually over time. 

To help you understand how to identify whether your organization is ready for a digital transformation, we created a checklist. We call it the Digital Transformation Checklist. 

The first step on this checklist is understanding what digital transformation actually means. 

So let’s start with an explanation of what digital transformation is. 

What Is Digital Transformation?
Digital transformation is the process of changing from traditional ways of working and doing things to more modern ways of working and doing them. 

It involves using digital tools and technologies to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. 

Digital transformation also includes changes to the way people work. For example, employees may use mobile devices instead of desktop computers. They may collaborate more effectively through social media channels like Slack, Facebook, and Twitter. Or they may be able to access information at any time and place via online portals. 

But digital transformation isn’t just about new technologies. It also requires organizational changes.

These include: 

  • A focus on customer experience rather than cost reduction 
  • An emphasis on collaboration across teams and departments 
  • More flexible management structures (like agile project management) 
  • New roles such as Chief Customer Officer 
  • New skillsets including data science 
  • Increased automation 
  • Better integration between internal and external services. 

Why Businesses Fail at Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is a complex process. There are many moving parts involved, so it’s important to understand what digital transformation entails before starting down the path. 

Here are 3 things you need to know about digital transformation: 

  1. It’s a long journey.
    It takes time to implement digital transformation. Companies often start off slowly, then speed up once they see the results.
  2. You have to make big changes.
    If you want to go all-in on digital transformation, you have to make some major changes. That can be difficult because most organizations have been operating under old rules and assumptions for decades.
  3. It will require a lot of resources.
    Digital transformation doesn’t happen overnight. It usually takes several years to complete. So you will need to allocate significant amounts of money and human capital to get started.

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is no longer a fad or a trend. It’s now a necessity for every business. If you don’t embrace digital transformation, you could be left behind by your competition. 

Here are five reasons why your business needs digital transformation: 

  1. Customers expect it.
    Customers today demand seamless experiences when interacting with businesses. They want their interactions with companies to be fast, convenient, and easy. And if they encounter problems, they expect to be able to easily resolve those issues.
  2. Technology is advancing.
    Technology is evolving quickly. The pace of change has increased dramatically over the past few years. This means that technology is becoming ever more essential to running a successful business.
  3. Competition is fierce.
    Competition is getting tougher. Today, customers are increasingly looking for businesses that provide personalized service and offer unique products and services.
  4. Employees are demanding better performance.
    Employees today are much more educated than in previous generations. They are used to being connected 24/7 and expect instant access to information. To keep them engaged, you must give them relevant content and tools they will actually use.
  5. The world is changing.
    The world is rapidly changing. Globalization, technological advances, and the rise of artificial intelligence mean that we live in an interconnected, global society where everything is accessible from anywhere.

3 Steps to Successful Digital Transformation 

So how do you successfully transform your company into a digitally empowered organization? Here are three steps to help you along the way: 

  1. Understand the benefits of digital transformation.
    You should first understand the benefits of digital transformation before you begin. Once you have identified these benefits, you will be ready to move forward.
  2. Create a plan.
    Next, create a detailed plan that outlines exactly what you want to accomplish. Make sure this plan includes measurable goals and timelines.
  3. Implement your plan.
    Finally, execute your plan. Don’t try to rush through this stage. Take your time and ensure that you follow each step correctly.

The truth is, that businesses often fail at digital transformation because they try to force technology into a system that was never designed to support it. This results in a painful process that leaves them feeling frustrated and confused. 

Instead, look at your business as a whole and ask yourself these questions: What problems am I solving? Where are my customers coming from? What kind of customer experience do I want to offer? Once you know the answers to those questions, you can begin to design a plan that fits your needs.